The biggest problem in life is to looking for the solutions for the problems
there is an option of failure
Bounce back after your failure
----- By Elon Musk
Helllo Guys,
today we will grab something really interesting facts and philosophies of life of Elon Musk
so let the Blog Begin
Who is Elon musk?
He is a Business magnet, engineer and an investor
If you are one of the fan of marvel movies you have watch the iron man movies.
the character of iron man is inspired by the Elon Musk only
Even some of the shooting of IronMan 2 was done in the one of the company of Elon musk called SpaceX only
He is a person who have read a lot of books at the age of 10 year
, those books that had actually were not read by the even graduated students that time
He is person having
- far-sighted
- futuristic and
- barrier free thinking
Elon Musk is a south African born Canadian American business magnet who had founded many companies like paypal,, spacex, solarcity, even working with tesla any some more companies.
he is a guy that never give up even in the hardest situations of his life.
when he was a child of approx 10-12 years he learnt himself the basic programmings on computer and made a game called
That game was really very interesting that a online company offered him to sell that game for 500 $ that time. First time he earned by selling his self made game for 500 $.
According to the Forbes magzine of December 2016 Elon Musk was the 21st Most Powerfull man in the world.

In 2018 he was the owner of 20.8 $ billion.
Elon Musk was born on june 28, 1971 in Petoria City of South Africa. His father was an engineer and his mother was a model.
When he was of 9 years old his parent got divorced and he started living with his father.
He was too much interested in books. He always engaged in reading the books alone in his room.
After gaining knowledge from lots of books he decided to do business that will change the future of human beings.
He completed his high school at the age of 17 and went to her mother for getting admission in Queen's University. he did some small jobs there as well like a normal person. After 2 years he went to USA to study in University of Pennsylvania where he got economics and physics degree there, After getting degree in those to fields he started doing his PhD from Standford University of California in physics.
But he realized that internet has a wide scope in the future so he dropped his PhD within 2 days only and started focusing in business through internet
Success Story
Formation of Paypal
In 1995 he started a website, this website used to give news to "The Newyork times" and to " The Chicago Tribune", And this site was providing the maps and business directories
Now in 1999 Elon Musk sold the Zip2 Company to a famous company name COMPAC for 341 $ million.
In that deal Elon musk has the share of 22$ million.
After getting this share Elon Musk did not take risk
he started a new company at the age of 28 called it was one of the 1st online banking company.
In march, 2000 merged with the company Confinity and formed a new new company Paypal.
paypal has its popularity worldwide almost each and every people knows about this site.
In october 2002 Ebay aquired the Paypal company for 1.5 $ billion

Elon Musk was a 11% stackholder of PayPal
He received his share in paypal and invested all the money in varieties of companies with full plans and strategies and started living on rent in Los Angeles. he took such a big risk of investing money to the different companies but he was very much confident on his decision and strategies.
He was a person who was really excited about taking risk, his words are only that "If you dream big then be ready to take big risks.
He was not too much lucky that in every attempt of taking came out with benefits for him but many a times he received the failure only but he had the only think that made him such a powerful business magnet was his passion he never thought about giving up the work he has already started.
After getting such a huge returns from all the companies in which he had invested, He again invested all his money into comanies called
SpaceX and Tesla
Formation of SpaceX
The only motive of Elon Musk behind Establishing SpaceX company was to settle the life on another planet specially on Mars after Earth.
Simultaneously he wanted to cut the high cost of space travel as well
That's why in May,2002 he made the company
"Space Exploration Technologies Corp."
He was the CEO and lead designer of that company, the work of this company was to make rocket who can deliver the satellites and also which can settle the people on other planet and this is really a thinking that Elon has.He wants to revolutionize the space rocket industry.He had some knowledge of aeronautics which he gained after reading several books. making rockets needs a huge investment and technologies so he went Russia to buy rockets but he found it to be very expensive so SpaceX decided to make Rockets by own, it was the first time that a private company is going to create rockets.
After board meeting and all paper work they started making rockets.
Simultaneously they made three rockets and launched it in space one by one but all failed and crashed.After Three continuous failures he came to the level of very low financial support.All the members of SpaceX was very disappointed but Elon wasn't, He said i will try once more and again he launched a rocket to send it to the orbit of earth and that time he got success in making it true.Whole world was very shocked How?how he made such a successful rocket even after not having a formal education and degrees on rocket science.
This company started now a private space commercial craft, Now this company provides the service of sending the NASA satellite to the orbit of earth.
This company made a history, when on May 22, 2012 company sent 1000 pound supplies to the astronauts working in the international space station through its Falcon Nine rocket.
The rockets made by SpaceX are reusable that can be used more than 1 time. Now Elon Wants to make a satellite that can be used for the convenience of internet conection so that no one on the earth will get any type of problem in using internet services.
Tesla Motors
In 2003, Elon became the Co-founder,CEO and product architect of Tesla Motors company.
This company makes the Electonic Cars that has a wide grab in the electric car market. In the initial stages Tesla Motor suffered a huge lose because of increased cost of car in making it electronic. Because company was not able to sell cars as its prices were very high but now they are making affordable car that cover a wide area in the market of electronic cars.
Elon believes that the success of Tesla Motors is only due to its quality maintained products,here Elon's all focus was on maintaining quality at an affordable price.
Tesla Company makes the solar batteries and solar roofs as well.
But Tesla company and SpaceX was not successfull initially in the year 2008, when recession in the world's economy came the SpaceX and Tesla company was almost at the stage of bankrupt but as always Elon did not Give up and he is the owner of Approx $70 million.
Its all due to his hard work grabbing of passion and the habit of not giving up that made him the one of the most powerful entrepreneur in the world.
In the next part of Elon Musk We will provide you about the Philosophies of Elon Musk those thinking that never let him down.
So guys this was all about Elon Musk but still if i missed something about him or about his companies please inform me through comment box and also for the notification of latest posts on our blog please leave your email in the comment box
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