And finally you have decided to go to gym
so before going gym don't you think you should know something really about it
how gym works on your body?
what precautions you should keep in mind?
how you are going to plan?
what should be your diet and many more
So Let the Blog Begin
The Indian mentality says going gym at teenage stop your height grow and you will not grow anymore
but its purely a myth
what level of height will you have only depends upon your genetic factor( 99 % ) that is how tall is your parents and some outside factors ( 01 % ) like healthy eating, surrounding environment
you won't believe, in US and U.K most of the children start their weight trainning at the age of 15 only
So our 1st questions
Q.1 How Gym works on your body
Ans. simple answer is growth of muscle, when you start going to gym you lift the weights do hard work. You starts stretching your muscles and when you eat food it gives you energy and fills the cell which are damaged during weight training also gain the muscles at the place where gaps are being created by the stretching body muscles.
and that is also how you stunt you weight and height
Q.2 what precautions to be kept in mind while going to gym?
Ans. this question can have several parts but i will try to cover it in short and minimum points
Pt.1 Try to join a good gym. here good gym means the gym should contain maximum weight training tools and machines

Pt.2 the most important part either you should have a good personal trainer or the gym you are joining should have a good and educated trainer who should have the knowledge of each exercise
want to know your daily calories requirement go to Calories calculator

pt.4 try to gain muscles and weight in natural way do not use any type of outside protein boxes or if you are using than it should be of good quality and purly avoide steroids injections
these thing will stop your inner growth hormone and steroids hormone production
Q.3 How you are going to plan ?
Ans. planning here meaning how many days you will go to gym and what diet you will maintain
so lets start
Pt1 Alternative days to go gym
If you have the age of more than 20 years than go to gym daily but if
if you are a teenage boy or girls try to avoid to go to gym daily
go to gym 4 days in a week i.e.: go to gym 2 days continuously and take one day leave so that you can give your body a whole day rest to heal all those muscles that are stretched
Pt.2 Maintaining diet
you can make a diet chart follow it daily as prescribed by your trainer daily
or you have to check yourself whether you daily diet contains all these things
i.e.: 1. Carbohydrate like potato, soyabean, clarrified butter, chapaaties, brown rice etc
2. fat like olive oil etc
3. protein like eggs, soyabean, meat, mutten, cheese etc
you should maintain you diet according to you need if you need the total calories of 2100 then if you wanna gain you weight at least 2500 calories so that you can gain you weight of 3 kg in one month
if i missed anything that you know very well then please let us know through our comment box
thank you
if i missed anything that you know very well then please let us know through our comment box
thank you
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